Towards another psychology of fascism

fascistization as a production of normopathy


  • David Pavón-Cuéllar Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo



Psychology of fascism, Far right, Fascisation, Normality, Normopathy


This article outlines a critical proposal for a psychological approach to far-right movements, particularly fascism and neo-fascism, to elucidate their origin in the process of fascisation conceived as the production of normopathy. After questioning the works that seek to psychopathologize far-right leaders and groups by presenting them as abnormal, we argue in favour of the recognition of their increasingly normal character, explaining it by the conjunctural fact of rightisation and by the structural factor of the banality of evil. It is shown how this normalization and normality of pathology entails a pathology of normality whose antisocial or psychopathic version is described as normopathic and is associated with the socioeconomic system of capitalism and its fascist and neo-fascist political drifts. Normopathy, illustrated by German Nazism and its continuation through a certain extreme form of Israeli Zionism, is defined as a problem of normativity that is political, not psychological, and that should not therefore be psychologized and thus depoliticized.


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How to Cite

Pavón-Cuéllar D. Towards another psychology of fascism: fascistization as a production of normopathy. Crit. Revolucionária [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];3:e013. Available from: