On the concepts of “State-form” and “Empire-form” in Gerardo Ávalos

notes for thinking the capitalist State


  • Hugo Rezende Tavares Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana




Capitalist State, State-form and Empire-form, Political philosophy


This paper analyzes the theoretical construction of the concepts “State-form” and “empire-form” in the thought of Mexican theorist, Gerardo Ávalos. We conceptually localize the capitalist State as a modern form of the existing political relations. In this author we find a theoretical analyzes of the State understood as a category of modern society, which synthesizes a relational process, founded on the contradiction of the political as a communitarian order and its institutionalized forma of power relations and social domination, which originates from value-form as capitalist society’s rational universe. This interpretation distinguishes itself from the main schools of thought in Marxism related to the political and the capitalist State.


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How to Cite

Rezende Tavares H. On the concepts of “State-form” and “Empire-form” in Gerardo Ávalos: notes for thinking the capitalist State. Crit. Revolucionária [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 23 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];3:e011. Available from: https://criticarevolucionaria.com.br/revolucionaria/article/view/75