Veganism and Marxism

Liberation is Revolution?


  • Jesus de Oliveira Universidade Federal de São Paulo



Capitalism, Veganism, State, Marxism, Revolution


Veganism is defined as a philosophy and lifestyle that abolishes the animal use in human activities, and it stands for actions that may affect the material reality according to its stance. Marxism totalizes in an unitary and integrated knowledge its critical stance on the human exploitation made by the capitalist production way, and proposes a revolutionary project to defeat it. The goal is to discuss the political dimensions of veganism, and check if there are any possible convergences with the marxist ideas that are critical of the state form. The analysis is based on a critical theoretical framework and its comparison with veganism literature. The conclusion is that there exists convergence between marxism and the anticapitalist vegan branch, because the erosion of capitalism and emancipation of the working classes is considered essential to its project of total liberation of the sentient beings.



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How to Cite

Oliveira J de. Veganism and Marxism: Liberation is Revolution?. Crit. Revolucionária [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];3:e007. Available from: