Development of what and for whom?


  • Luzia Cardoso IFF-FIOCRUZ\Doutoranda



Development, Development theory, Social and health indicators


This is a reflection about the current use of the term development in the speeches of international, governmental and scientific academic agencies that deal with social and health indicators. It considers the importance of understanding the Theories of Development in the historical movement and for the understanding of reality, mainly in the Conjuncture Analysis method. Attention is draw to the ideological content of the term development and of Development Theories carrying within themselves projects of different and often antagonistic societies. It also presents the main aspects of Development Theories. It concludes by considering that the fact that health investigations aim, ultimately, at intervening in reality, it is imperative that the authors explain the Theory of Development that supports them when they associate their results with the level of development of the countries.


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How to Cite

Cardoso L. Development of what and for whom?. Crit. Revolucionária [Internet]. 2024 May 14 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];3:e015. Available from: