Jaime Breilh's critical epidemiology thought and Michael Harvey's political economy of health
Epidemiology, Health policy, Social medicine, Economics and health organizationsAbstract
In this critical essay, there was a theoretical reflection on the relationship between the capitalist system and social and health inequities, through one of the studies on political health economics of Michael Harvey, in the light of the critical thinking of Jaime Breilh, author of critical epidemiology originated from the Latin American social medicine/collective health movement. The text is structured in three parts. The first describes a brief intellectual and political-institutional biography of Harvey and Breilh in order to situate them historically. The second describes and explains Michael Harvey’s thinking in analyzing the political economy of health. The third discusses the value of Jaime Breilh’s critical epidemiology thinking. Finally, it is understood the conjunction of ideas of these authors in the discussion of social and health inequities reproduced by the capitalist system, allowing to advance, from a historical-critical perspective, in the broad and in-depth analysis of social and health reality.
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